Hi, I’m Beth. I’m a videographer and video editor based in London, and I can help you show off your brand to the world🌍(via video content) 
I am able to produce video from a given brief and add my own creative touch to enhance the content and engage your audience. Audiences of today have a fleeting attention span and it is important that we create video to capture & retain this attention in just a few seconds before they click or scroll away. I value communication and feedback, and will work to ensure that the video fits in line with your existing branding. I've worked on video projects covering a wide range of styles & purposes, but I'm always looking to challenge myself in new areas and industries.
Have a browse through my recent work, and if you have any opportunities available that you think I could be suited to, drop me an email or fill out the form below.
Get in Touch

Bethany James
Thank you!
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